Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Saskatoon Snowstorm Causes Gridlock

The snow continues to fall in Saskatoon as roads and parking lots are already clogged with vehicles. Drivers are going not much faster than 20 or 30 km/hr on most roads in the city. 33rd Street West and Confederation Drive have been plowed already making things a bit more bearable for west side residents. No word as to how things are on the east side but everyone has no choice but to help each other out if they want to get around town today. Here are a couple of photos taken before the pizza delivery rush begins. TJ's Pizza is open for delivery today but don't expect to get your pizza very quickly, especially during rush hour or crawling hour as it will be called today.

Saskatoon Digs Out From Heavy Snowfall

The snow continues to fall in Saskatoon as residents attempt to dig themselves out from one of the biggest snowfall events this season. The heaviest amounts fell in the early morning and the snow is expected to stop falling by this afternoon. The snow has slowed the city to a crawl as it is making for some adventurous outings. Pictures and maybe some video will be posted here later today.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fluffy White Snow

Saskatoon is now getting some very big fluffy snow flakes. Check out our live skycam to see.