Play by Play Commentary on Local and International Weather Events Documentation and Relay Alerts of Severe Weather Events from Regina, Saskatchewan.
The Source Since 2002
Here is an incredible collection of the major hail storm around Red Deer, Alberta last night. Red Deer
This stuff is now over Yorkton for their second major storm in 24hrs. We are going to try and chase what we can from Saskatoon today, maybe we will end up in Dauphin, Manitoba as it seems to be heading that way very slowly, NE@20km/hr. OR the Regina area is supposed to be wild later today.
Sounds like something big is brewing for tommorrow. Right now we have storms in southern Alberta moving into western Saskatchewan tonight, and another cluster of big cells in south-east Saskatchewan moving in to Manitoba. I haven't had much time to look at the forecast for Friday but the buzz is on... look here: Blog